As we know, Paris Hilton loves animals, especially little ones. And she is a very accomplished horse rider. As a test for the British townies she sent them to a farm. Turned out to be a bit of a horror story. Most trainee British Best Friends are so precious they can't cope being around ordinary animals - like horses, sheep and pigs. The prize was a spa treat for the ones who could cope.
Meanwhile, Paris had been receiving a fantastic therapeutic massage, which turned out to be a treat for us - even just viewing.
Next came a bit of work with Olivia to examine the BBFs real thoughts - some good old-fashioned psycho-social confrontations forced a few people out of cover. The results were very revealing, plotting the BBFs on a scale from most real to most fake:
Real <--------------------------------------------------> Fake
Samuel -- Flic -- Emma -- Ola -- Chrissie -- Meddy -- Laura -- Layla -- Carrie
We totally agree with the results at the fake end, because Carrie has annoyed us from the start. She never stops thinking about herself, never stops complaining, never stops being totally self-obsessed. Never-ending bleating is fake, and Carrie can't understand how fake that is.
Samuel received an evening treat at a sushi restaurant with Paris, one-on-one, and once again Paris looked gorgeous and is so open and outgoing.
Was intriguing to hear Paris's view on the sex tape scandal, how someone she really trusted would go behind her back and sell something so private, especially when everything occured when she was 17 and still rather naive.
If you think Paris looks great on a catwalk, in boots and leather at a firing range, with a shotgun in hand, she looks awesome. One of the strong impressions from the whole series is how intelligent and perceptive Paris is, in contrast to most of the shallow BBFs.
Photo shows Paris with sister Nicky - the British hopefuls are way off the quality needed to live alongside the stylish sistersTo add a bit more pressure on the BBFs, Paris announced that the finalists will join her in Los Angeles.
When asked why she should stay, all
Carrie really said was "I want this" and this proves again she is the least worthy. We think the wrong choice was made to eliminate Layla, although Paris explained that Layla had got lost in the background and so people were not trusting her.
The biggest surprise was when
Kat arrived back in the competition - the faces of the other contestants fell about a mile. Cool.